Monday, October 25, 2010

5 enemies\friends

5 things that I just love to do and are the complete opposite of running, and that make the whole difference between the bummer and the runner : 

1. Nargila - 
The complete opposite of running , is Nargila - filling your lungs with smoke, tobbaco, and every other componet which is bad or you. I have no idea WHY I smoke - except : it's fun. You enhale and exhale a respected amount of smoke,  and feel more relaxed than you ever felt. the after affect isn't that nice. You can't run after , and I'm not sure what it does to your shape -except ruin it. But I guess that's what bad habbits are for, even if theyr'e too bad. 

That's an early bummer. 

2. Meat - burgers, steaks, white meat, red meat, with cheese, with wine, with coke, with fries  - with everything bad on it (or on the side). 
I really believe that people who take their nutrition too serious, eventually die in car accidents. and besides, what's this world is about if you can't enjoy food - espically one that's really bad for you ? And if you look at it the other way - you make yourself run just to deserve it. 

burger shoes : if those were real , i'd buy the whole edition. 

3.The enemy of all activities : TV. 
I can watch it for hours. days. weeks, maybe, if I have all of the above (food and sleep) - if watching TV was olympic - I'd be the Carl Lewis of all times. hall of famer. 
But it's just killing your time, and you feel fatigue after long watching. I know it might sounds a bit indulgent to you, but believe me - there's nothing worst than an enemy underestimated. 

TV elephant : I still think that the polar bear lives better. 

4.Scotch :  It hurts your liver. It hurts your shape. It aims directly to your heart, brain and muscles. 
I do believe that there's no such thing as a bad whiskey. There are small drinkers, no small drinks when it comes to the Jack. But, I guess that it doesn't consist a part in the nutrition list for runners, but for the bummers - it's like the nectar that fell from the Olympus. 
I have nothing to say more but  - 
make yourself a glass and put your running shoes to rest.

Half marathon : the Russian version. 

5. Snickers, Mars, M&M's, *Bamba, Oreo's, Huggen Daz's, *Egozi, *Mekupelet, Tofifee, Tobleron, Doritos, Lay's, Cheetos, Belgian Chocolate, Bounty, *Red Bamba, Croissantes, Max Brenner's, *Knaffe, Rolades. And the list goes on..
* = Israeli candybars. theyr'e great. 

Best Friend. 

6 .Sleeping -  corny, i know, and I even named it '5 things'  but still - it's my all time favourite. i just love sleeping when it rains, and when i just know that it's cold outside - when I'd give up sleeping for running, remind me that I lost myself.
When you know what's good for you, and you just don't care what they'll say. 

Just wondering - will I ever 'accomplish' giving up all of the above? and is it worth it?and is that the reald border between bummer's and runner's?

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